Each year, my emotions are a little different at this point, which makes sense--we'd be robots if we could just soldier on at one level year after year. But it's a bummer when the feeling du jour isn't as filled with hip-hip hooray and jazz hands as one might hope. Because you can't fake jazz hands. (Or at least you shouldn't!)
One of the song lines we've visited in the past here in the 40 Days is from Nichole Nordeman's song, Someday, where she says: I believe in the rest of the story. I believe there's still ink in the pen.
I hear those lines differently now than I did when I first ripped the plastic off her CD a few years ago. Here's what's I realize now: there IS a rest of the story, and ink in the pen, whether we believe it or not. Sometimes its a big relief to not have everything depend on our faith, to trust that things just are. We're not the same people we were 40 Days ago, and if we get to gather here again next year, we'll be different still. We'll know the next chapter ("Yay! I finished something! Progress!") and we'll be wrestling with the "what comes next?" question anew. I don't think that ever changes.
Thank you for spending this time together with me. I was re-reading some of the posts and comments the other night and was so touched by this amazing chance we have to connect, to know each other in our deepest hopes and desires and cheer one another on, even though most of us have never met. It's an honor to be part of that, and to know you guys.
BLESS your next chapter.
Love, Trish